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Sadness, Anger, and Serving Those Who Gave It All

Like many veterans, I watched with sadness and anger as 13 incredible brothers and sisters in arms died and began their journey home. The sadness and anger were palpable.

The veterans of my generation once again wished we could take their places. That officers would not knock on their parents' or spouses' doors. They were so young, talented, smart, and dedicated. They had their whole lives ahead of them.

Many of the 13 had just finished other rotations and could have skipped this duty. Conversations with loved ones spoke to whether others could step up this time around. However, being who they were they stepped up once again to do what most of 20-somethings would not.

As I listened to their parents, siblings, and spouses tell their stories the grief was almost unbearable. My nerve endings were raw and exposed. The pain they expressed touched us all. Like many of you, I wondered what I might do, how could I honor these brave service members?

Soon my mind shifted the the 22 brothers and sisters who were injured on that terrible day.

Walking the streets the past two years, Afghanistan and Iraq veterans started appearing in the homeless veteran population in greater numbers. Like those who came before them, how many of the wounded would succumb to the horrors and ghosts of war and end up on the street? Those who had just given the ultimate sacrifice would surely ask us to have their Six now that they are gone.

We here at Deep Hole Ministries will do exactly that for these heroes and all those who came before them!

We've got your Six! No one who places themself in harm's way so we can live in freedom in this great country should live on the streets.

Like many corporations during the past eighteen months of the Covid pandemic, DHM moved from honoring mandates and directives to using it as an excuse to not give our all. It is unfortunate that it took the loss of life or limbs to wake us up--but it has.

That ends now. We will hit the streets again post haste and continue our work to bring our homeless veterans back into society as full members. They deserve no less. It is the best way for us to honor our latest heroes who gave it all.

Godspeed Young Heroes. We will watch over your families and fellow marines, sailors, airmen, soldiers, and guardians.

Leave No Veteran Behind!

We've got your Six and look forward to meeting you, connecting you with the resources you have earned, and watching the incredible things you do next.

Your Brother In Arms,

Bruce Goeas, Lt Colonel


Deep Hole Ministries, Inc


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